The Ultimate, Holistic Dog Training Resource to Help your Dog Live their Best Life

  • Entirely FREE and online
  • Dog and human welfare take centre stage
  • 30+ World Leading experts and real dog owners talk about all things dog behaviour 
  • Easy & immediate access 
  • Share your feedback, ask questions and connect with other dog guardians 

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Ready for a New Experience with your Dog?

Does your dog overreact in certain situations? You might see barking, lunging, growling or otherwise mouthy behaviours, or fearfulness, or your dog gets way overexcited. These behaviours might leave you feeling frustrated, anxious, upset, heartbroken or even angry. This festival offers a unique opportunity to explore game changing information you don't know you need yet! 

What Makes Us Different? This festival is about 100% positive, fear free, do no harm methods. It is a place where you and your dog get support without  judgement. Our experts aren't just information dumping, they are providing actionable insights, vulnerable personal experiences and expert guidance. Best of all we've done the research for you, chosen the best in the world in their field and cut the bullshit out, because we don't want  our time wasted and neither do you. Oh and FYI, you'll have  FREE lifetime access to all the interviews FOREVER!

Why Now: Reactivity in dogs doesn't just resolve on its own; in fact, it often escalates without proper intervention. Reactivity isn't just a 'dog issue'; it's a crucial aspect of your dog's emotional well-being — and significantly impacts your own well-being and mental health. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing environment, providing a stable and nurturing space for our dogs has never been more important. Plus, with stress and uncertainty affecting us all, learning how to create harmony and trust with our canine companions is more essential than ever. Now is the perfect time to step into a new realm of understanding and connection with your dog. Don’t let outdated methods and misconceptions hold you back any longer. Join us now to be at the forefront of compassionate, evidence-based dog training and start making a positive difference in your life and your dog’s life today!

Our Big Promise: When you join us,  you're not just accessing information; you're setting off on a journey towards a deeper relationship with your dog,  and a happier stress free life. Joining our community offers immense value by providing a sense of belonging and understanding. Realizing that you're not alone in facing challenges with your dog can significantly lighten the emotional load, offering relief and reassurance. Here, you'll be part of a supportive network where your struggles are shared, your experiences are validated, and your journey towards a better life with your dog is fully understood and empathized with by others who are navigating similar paths.

Meet the experts and real dog owners sharing their wisdom, stories and solutions ...

Overcoming and Preventing Reactive Behaviour 

with dog reactivity and canine empowerment expert
Grisha Stewart

Training as a Learning Opportunity

with Zak George, who is famous for his YouTube channel "the Dog Training Revolution"

Going Beyond Stigma & Myths

with world renowned aggression in dogs expert Michael Shikashio 

Reactivity and Life Lessons 

with multiple agility world champion Susan Garrett, famous for her game based approach to dog training

Dog-Centered Care

with certified animal behaviour expert and psychologist Andrew Hale

Mastering Recall and Managing Reactivity

 with veterinarian and dog trainer Dr. Ian Dunbar, trailblazer in the world of dog training

Exploring Reactivity in Dog Sports

 with world-renowned dog trainer and top level dog sport competitor Kamal Fernandez 

Do No Harm Dog Training

 with psychologist Linda Michaels, creator of the internationally acclaimed Hierarchy of Dog Needs

Discover the Soul of Your Canine Companion through Functional Character Assessment

 with zoologist, conservation biologist, and shamanic practitioner, Dr. Isla Fishburn

Helping your reactive dog with Tellington Ttouch

 with Robyn Hood, Senior Instructor of the Tellington TTouch® Method, an innovative approach to canine care developed by her sister Linda Tellington

A new perspective on dog behaviour

  with applied ethologist Kim Brophey author of "Meet Your Dog: the Game-Changing Guide to Understanding Your Dog's Behavior"

Reactivity, Therapy, and Personal Growth

  with Jess Adams, a licensed therapist and reactive dog owner whose unique perspective blends therapeutic insights with personal experiences of living with a reactive dog

The Art of Holistic Dog Grooming

 with Stephanie Zikmann
 the innovative founder of the Holistic Grooming Academy where dog welfare comes before aesthetics

Click to Calm

 with Canine Behavior Training Consultant and reactive dog owner Emma Parsons 

The Link between Pain and Behaviour

 with Julia Robertson, world-renowned expert, pioneer and leader in
 Canine Myotherapy 

Dog Walks aren't Everything

 with dog trainer, behaviourist and reactive dog owner Nikki French, author of "Stop Walking Your Dog". 

Hidden pain in Dogs

 with Integrative Veterinarian Dr Edward Bassingthwaite who developed Whole Energy Body Balance™ a Neuro-fascial Bodywork and Energywork treatment for pets

Nutrition, Behavior, and the Power of Microbes

 with Integrative Veterinarian and Dog Nutrition expert Dr Meghan Barrett 

Reactivity and Prey Drive

 with Tracey McLennan the UK's go-to expert in prey drive 

Reactivity in Agility 

 with top international agility competitor, agility judge and canine yoga instructor Leanne Williams

Real World Empathetic Approaches to Dog Reactivity

with psychologist and dog behaviour specialist Anushree Thammanna 

Working WITH your dog's instincts not against

with gun dog experts Monica Hauan, Thomas Stokker and Astrid Weider Ellefsen   

Insights and Inspiration

with animal trainer, agility coach and musician Laura Maulbetsch 

Avoiding Reactivity through Ethical Breeding

with breeder Rebecca Walters who committed to changing the dog breeding industry for good

Reactivity in Blind, Deaf Dogs

with Deb Bauer, international expert in working with blind, deaf, and blind/deaf dogs

Insights from Street Dogs in India

with free roaming dog behaviour expert Sowjanya Vijayanagar

The Power of Mindset

with dog sport performance coach Hélène Lawler 

Shelter Dogs and Reactivity

with shelter behaviour specialist Tom Candy

Navigating Dog Agility with a Reactive Dog 

with expert dog trainer, agility judge, and world-level competitor Cathy Slot

Animal-Centered Education

with holistic dog behaviour expert
Janet Finlay

Human - Dog Relationship

with ethologist and applied psychologist Alexa Capra 

From Challenges to Emotional Growth

with dog training and behaviour experts
Dr Barbara Paterson & Julia Hawkins

Meet your hosts:

Julia Hawkins, Msc, AdvDip (AAB Canine)

From mastering numbers to mastering positive dog training, Julia Hawkins has transitioned from being a math teacher to a guiding light for dog owners.

With her unique blend of skills as a trained educator for both humans and canines, Julia specialises in assisting families, particularly those with rescue dogs and children, navigate their dog training challenges.

Julia’s approach is all about support that is both educational and fun. Her primary goal is to foster happy, stress-free relationships between you and your dog, using the power of play. Julia believes that when the dynamics of play are perfectly balanced, not only will you and your dog feel great, but behaviour challenges will be easier to overcome. J

oin Julia in this journey of joyful learning and discover the transformative power of positive reinforcement and play.

Julia has an Advanced Diploma in Animal Behaviour (Canine), she is a full member of the International Society of Animal Professionals and is an approved trainer by the Dog Training Council.  She is also an approved Family Dog Trainer as well as being a qualified teacher with 15 years experience

Barbara Paterson, PhD

Dr. Barbara's journey from conservation scientist to professional dog trainer took her from one form of care for animals to another. Barbara is dedicated to helping dog owners forge a profound connection with their high energy and reactive companions, guiding them towards a harmonious, fun-filled life together.

About a decade ago, she was desperately seeking help for her reactive agility dog. That's when she found Susan Garrett, who quickly became her mentor for all things dog-related. Barbara was so determined to learn from the best that she dragged her husband and dogs across the Atlantic to live in Canada, where she had the chance to train with Susan in person and rub shoulders with world-class dog handlers. Fast forward to today, and as well as being a Coach in Susan's online programs, she love inspiring her students to bring out the absolute best in their dogs.

As a Buddhist practitioner, Barbara infuses her training with principles of joy and compassion. Central to her philosophy is the idea that compassion is the cornerstone of deep connection, and that understanding our dogs’ needs by carefully listening to what dogs are communicating, is essential. Barbara firmly believes that this kind of thoughtful dialogue makes training effective and equally fun for dogs and their human counterparts.

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